Students in this concentration become experts in the economics of public policy in general and in its application to specific areas of interest.

This concentration will expose students to the legal and institutional structures in which policies are developed, the analysis of the economic impacts of policies, and special circumstances of public policy and law pertaining to the environment, consumers, the agricultural sector and international relations.

Students sitting in class speaking with instructor


Become an expert on law and public policy related to food and agriculture, environment and natural resources, consumers, and international relations. Know how to use economics to analyze and improve public policy in those realms. Understand policy development and history and how to affect change through public-interest groups, industries, and various levels of government. 


Conduct independent analyses of federal, state and local policies; past topics include food labeling, water quality, land use, and the farm bill. Travel and engage with stakeholders in Washington DC, Chicago, and internationally to gain in-person exposure to the people and places where policies are developed.


Design, influence and advocate for policy in legislative offices, government agencies, regulated industries and non-governmental organizations. Go to graduate school in law, public policy, or public administration. Work in law, public interest, or government. 

Sample Curriculum

Public Policy and Law
Agricultural and Consumer Economics (ACE) Major (10KL5011BS)

NOTE: This is merely a sample schedule. It is not the only schedule by which classes may be taken.

First Year

Fall Course & Hours   Spring Course & Hours  
ACE 100 4 ACE 161 3
ACES 101 2 RHET or CMN 1011 3-4
RHET or CMN 1011 3-4 MATH 124 or 2342 3-4
MATH 124 or 2202 3-4 ECON 103 3
ACE 203/PS 220*** 3 Natural Sciences 3-5

1 An acceptable substitute is CMN 111/112.
2 Other acceptable math sequence is (MATH 220 and MATH 231).
***ACE 203 required for students admitted to ACE/PPL for FA20 or later. Students admitted to ACE/PPL prior to FA20 should complete PS 220.

Second Year

Fall Course & Hours   Spring Course & Hours  
ACCY 201* 3 Natural Sciences 3
ACE 262** 3 ACE 264** 3
ACE 341 CP 1 Advanced Composition 3
ACE 210, 251,* 255, or 270 3 Soc/Behavioral Sciences 3
Cultural Studies 3 Cultural Studies 3

* Prerequisites:
ACCY 201: ACE 100 or ECON 102 or ECON 103; credit for or concurrent enrollment in remaining ACE 100, ECON 102, or ECON 103
ACE 262: MATH 124
ACE 264: ACE 262 
ACE 251: ACE 100 or ECON 102 or consent of instructor
**Students who started ACE/PPL SP20 or earlier may complete QR2 requirement with ACE 261 only, ACE 262/264, or ECON 202/203.  Contact your advisor with any questions.

Third Year

Fall Course & Hours   Spring Course & Hours  
Course from list1 3 Course from list1 3
ECON 411 3 Natural Sciences 3
400-level International2 3 Humanities 3
ACE 306, 403, 406, 410/ECON 484* 3 Soc/Behavioral Sciences 3
ACE 300* 3 ACE or ACES Electives 3

* Prerequisites:
ACE 310: ACE 100 or ECON 102
ACE 403: Junior standing
ECON 484: ECON 302 or ACE 300
ACE 406: ACE 403 or BADM 300 or BADM 310 recommended
ACE 410, ACE 411, ACE 451, ACE 455, ACE 456: ECON 302 or ACE 300
ACE 474, ECON 484: ECON 302 or ACE 300
ACE 476: ACE 300 or ECON 302, course in statistics, senior standing
ACE 300: ACE 100 or ECON 102 and MATH 220, 221, or 234
1 ACE 306, 310, 403, 406, 410, 411, 451, 455, 456, 471, 474, 476
2 Choose from ACE 435, 436, 451, 452, or 455. May also be fulfilled by 3 hours of credit from studying abroad in an approved program.

Fourth Year

Fall Course & Hours   Spring Course & Hours  
Course from list16 3 Cultural Studies27 6+
ACE or ACES Electives   Other Electives 6+
Other Electives   Humanities 3

1 Refer to "choose 3" list - PPL concentration requirements.
2 Students entering UIUC as of Summer 2018 or later have 3 cultural studies general education requirements.  Students entering prior to Summer 2018 have 2 cultural studies general education requirements.

Lindsay March
Academic Advisor

300B Mumford Hall

Concentrations covered: Financial Planning and Public Policy and Law

Lindsay March