Fallin' for Brazil

On January 6th, 2019, the IBIP students had the day off from studying about Brazilian agriculture. Instead, students spent the day exploring Iguazu National Park. This park included the Iguazu Falls which are beautiful waterfalls between the Brazilian and Argentinian border. They are the second largest falls in the world and include 275 individual falls. Some of these falls have names, including the most famous, Devil’s Throat.
First the group hiked along the falls stopping at almost a dozen outlook observatory points along the way. Students admired the waterfalls as well as the nature along the way. They even got lucky enough to see some wildlife, including a mama coati and her newborns along the trail. As students progressed throughout the trail, they were able to see more beautiful views of the falls.
After the trail, students enjoyed a quick lunch at the café at the national park. Then, everyone had an opportunity to go on a boat ride underneath the falls. The group was soaked from head to toe, but everyone had an absolute blast. After this some students continued on to a brief raft excursion.
After getting back to the hotel the group was able to relax after the long day. Everyone had dinner and celebrated one of our group members, Shuchen’s, birthday in the hotel lobby with cake! We all had a great time exploring today but are looking forward to getting back to learning about Brazilian agriculture tomorrow!