ACES Provides a Once in a Lifetime Opportunity

The College of ACES has so many opportunities for its students. What makes our campus so special is the fact that they provide unique opportunities that you won’t be able to find at many other campuses! Some of these opportunities are once in a lifetime experiences! For example, last semester, United States Secretary of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack, came to campus and spoke about international food security. I was fortunate enough to get to be part of a group of College of ACES’ students that met with him after his lecture to discuss different issues in agriculture. I couldn’t believe that when I sat down at the conference table, I was only a person away from the United States Secretary of Agriculture! We all came with questions prepared about the topics in agriculture that are near and dear to our hearts. Secretary Vilsack was very detailed with his answers and showed great concern for the issues in which we were asking. It was such a unique experience getting to talk to him and shake the hand of a man of that importance in the industry for which I have a strong passion! I was not only able to learn a lot, but I was able to make a memory that I will never forget! This is just of the many reasons why I love the College of ACES and the education that I am receiving here!