Taking My Passion for Investing to a Job in Financial Planning

I am currently a senior majoring in Financial Planning. Being a senior at the University of Illinois has given me plenty of time to think about my path over the years. As the half way point of my final semester draws near, I believe about what I originally wanted to do out of high school and how that has completely changed. Being in the College of ACES has given me plenty of opportunities to look at different fields. I have taken tax courses, investing courses, economic courses, and plenty more within the financial field. Originally coming out of high school I thought I would want to go into accounting but after taking courses in accounting and tax I realized that wouldn’t have been for me. Without the College of ACES, I would not have realized my passion for investing and my interest to pursue a career in this field. I am truly thankful for the opportunities I have been given from the College of ACES and wouldn’t have wanted to graduate from anywhere else.