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Voices of ACES Blog

More than she bargained for: An ACE Student's blog about Brazil

ACE students discussing policy.

We are gearing up for the fall semester here in Urbana.  As I prepare for what is lying ahead and what kinds of advice I'll have for this year's group of ACE students, I ran across this blog of one of our students, reminding me that growing and stretching yourself as a student is the best part of going to college.  And she learned this lesson on an ACE trip -- the International Business Immersion Program, IBIP --

Nikhitaa Sundar, a recent ACE graduate, blogs beautifully about her experiences in Brazil, and how a two week study abroad experience changed her perspectives:…

Continuing to do things that stretch you personally, and open your eyes to differences helps you not only become a more sought after employee (something all college graduates strive to be), but a better person.