From an ACE Student at KU Leuven in Belgium

I am studying abroad in Leuven, Belgium at the KU Leuven School here. I love it out here! The city is similar to a college campus except for one major difference. The culture and history here is so rich and beautiful. All of my classroom's buildings have some of history to them. Each with their own original purpose dating back to the medieval era and now conformed to a college classroom, just amazing. A couple courses I am taking over here are Labor Economics and Intro to Management and Strategy. Both of these classes are very interesting and as a CEF student, they are providing me with great skills and knowledge that I can put towards my major. My absolute favorite thing about being abroad is the carte blanche. I can do whatever I want, whenever I want to and that is surely the reason for my new found interest to travel and see the world! I cannot say enough on how traveling is one of the best things you can ever do. It expands your minds to new depths and perceptions that you never thought were possible. To see different societies and how their culture shaped them. Hope the snow hasn't made anyone peel over.