Day 3: European Commission

This morning we started our day in the European Union Commission Building in Brussels. Simon Pascoe from the United Kingdom gave an overview of the European Union. We learned that the goals of the EU are to maintain peace, cooperation, security, economic and social solidarity, and promulgate values among member states.
After that we walked around the rainy city of Brussels and had lunch at various ”fast food” establishments. Our group ate at EXK, a small health foods restaurant with the slogan, “natural, fresh, and ready."
After we ate, we went to Carrefour, a small grocery/convenience store similar to Walgreen’s. We read the food labels searching for genetically modified labeling.
Looking at the labels brought up a few questions for us, mainly what the labels were for. We asked an employee about what the labels meant and he tried to explain it to us. We think we were looking at some organic products, so we’re not quite sure what a true “genetically modified” label looks like, or if it even exists as our research indicated. The employee gave us the name of Carrefour's supplier, so we can pursue that source further.
We sat in on two discussion panels this afternoon. The first panel was a general European policy overview by Thierry de l’Escailee, Secretaire General and CEO of the European Landowners’ Organization and Simon Worthington, Senior Advisor of European Government Affairs for BP. Mr. de l’Escailee touched on a lot of important points regarding GMOs, so we found his talk extremely interesting. We were fortunate enough to get an interview with him too. Mr. Worthington’s talk about green energy and biofuels was also very interesting and it was nice to hear his own views, not just BP’s.
The second panel we listened to consisted of Mr. Andrea Gavinelli, head of the Animal Welfare Unit, DG SANCO, European Commision, Maurice House, Minister-Counselor for Agriculture Affairs, U.S. Mission to the European Union, and Mr. Robert Lorentz a Policy Officer in DG-Energy for the European Commission. We listened attentively as they discussed animal welfare, trade in the EU, and renewable energy initiatives.
Our evening concluded with a reception held with friends of the U of I and ACES alums. We were privileged to meet the Baron, Piet Van Waeyenberge, chairman of the Club de Warande in Brussels, where we spent this afternoon and evening. We had a wonderful time this evening and are thankful for the Baron for the hors d'oeuvres, beverages, and great company.