IBIP Day 10 | Snoozin' and Cruisin'

Today was the most exciting day yet! We got to spend a whole 10 hours crammed on the bus with a few stops in between. Some of the highlights of the day included taking long naps, watching movies, and eating gas station food. However when we were not partaking in these exciting activities we got to look at the beautiful Brazilian landscape and tour Feira Tecnologica (FT). Feira Tecnologica is located in a town in eastern Parana and is primarily a soybean breeding company that also does some corn breeding as well. We learned about all the different aspects it takes to produce high yielding soybeans. FT uses similar genetics for soybeans as we do in the southern United States to match day length. This was a great presentation and tour that was welcomed after the long bus ride. Finally we got back to the hotel, relaxed, and ordered pizza.