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Sandy Dall'Erba

Sandy Dall'Erba

Professor, Director of Graduate Studies, Director of CREATE
333 Mumford Hall
1301 Gregory Dr
Urbana 61801
(217) 300-2727
Director of Graduate Recruiting and Admissions
333 Mumford Hall
1301 Gregory Dr
Urbana 61801
(217) 300-2727
Tenure Track Faculty
333 Mumford Hall
1301 Gregory Dr
Urbana 61801
(217) 300-2727

For More Information

Research Interests

  • My current research interests focus on environmental economics in general and the impact of climate change on agriculture, food security and the global supply chain in particular. I study each of these fields by modelling and measuring the externalities that place between regions/countries and economic sectors. In that purpose, I use various tools of regional economics such as spatial econometrics, network econometrics, interregional input-output and structural gravity models. I have published one book and more than 60 peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters on these topics and with those tools, some of them co-authored with my past and current graduate students and/or international visiting-scholars. I have been awarded various grants by, among others, NSF, NASA and USDA as well as various academic awards for my work. I have given lectures as a keynote speaker at several international conferences in the US, South Korea, Brazil, Spain and have been an invited Professor in various universities and government agencies in Mexico, China, Turkey, Colombia, France and the US. My research always attempts to provide a range of exposure to new curricula materials, methods of conducting interdisciplinary and international collaborative research and guidance in the preparation of material for dissemination in the public policy arena. In 2021 I co-founded CREATE, the University of Illinois’ Center for Climate, Regional, Environmental And Trade Economics ( of which goals are to study the impact of climate change and environmental accounts based on system-wide techniques developed in regional economics and trade economics and to train the next generation of scholars to climate economics.

Mission Statement

The current research of Dr. Dall'erba and of his group focuses on the impact of climate change on agriculture and the global food supply chain based on spatial interaction models (spatial econometrics, network econometrics, interregional input-output, structural gravity models). Applications of his work deal with environmental accounts (e.g. water use, GHG, plastic waste) and the impact of climate change - including extreme events - on agriculture, food security and the global supply chain.


  • Postdoctoral Visiting-Scholar at the Department of Spatial Economics, Free University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 2005-2006.
  • Postdoctoral Visiting-Scholar at REAL, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2004-2005.
  • PhD, Department of Economics, University of Pau (France), 2004
  • MSc, Department of Economics, University of Pau (France), 2000

Resident Instruction

  • Spring: ACE 264 - Applied Statistical Methods and Data Analytics II
  • Spring and Fall: ACE 594 - CREATE seminars 
  • Spring: ACE 532 - Spatial Econometrics

Books Edited or Co-Edited (Original Editions)

  • Paez A., Le Gallo J., Buliung R., Dall'erba S. (Eds.) (2010), Progress in Spatial Analysis: Methods and Applications, Berlin: Springer-Verlag.

Selected Articles in Journals

Academic Positions

  • Professor, Agricultural and Consumer Economics, University of Illinois (2019 - on)
  • Associate Professor, Agricultural and Consumer Economics, University of Illinois (2015 - 2019)
  • Associate Professor, School of Geography and Regional Development, University of Arizona (2011-2015)
  • Assistant Professor, School of Geography and Regional Development, University of Arizona (2006-2011)