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Voices of ACES Blog

IBIP Day 5 | iAmsterdam

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After a jam-packed five days in Greece, we packed our bags to head to Holland. But, before leaving Greece, we had just enough time to squeeze in one last lecture at the American Farm School.

During an informative lecture on Food Waste we learned that the world will need to increase its meat production by 40% in order to meet global demands by 2050. Additionally, we were informed that research is being conducted to develop edible packaging to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills.

Voices of ACES Blog

Whose Polo Will You Wear?

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The 2015 Farm Progress Show was packed with proud agriculture companies showing off their latest technology. As I walked around the show, I observed the features of each company’s display and how they were similar and different from one another. First noticeable similarity: each company had its own polo. First noticeable difference: each company had its own polo. The very thing that each company had in common was the very thing that set them apart. Red, green, and black, the list of colors goes on. It got me thinking. Whose polo do I want to where? What logo do I want to represent? 

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