In DC I was a Legislative Intern at the House of Representatives in the Office of Cheri Bustos. I was able to participate in Illinois in Washington and earned 6 hours of academic credit at the same time. As a Legislative Intern, I was able to work closely with our agricultural staffer and on the Farm Bill. I was in charge of gathering economic data and general information about the biggest commodities in our district and in the state of Illinois. In addition, while on the Hill I:
- Conducted daily news monitoring and generate press clips for senior level staff
- Drafted statements and letters on behalf of the Congresswoman
- Researched and wrote constituent correspondence to convert the Congresswoman’s legislative positions
- Lead tour services for those going to the Capitol
- Attended legislative briefings to provide memos and supporting research for legislative staff
- Performed administrative functions including front of house activities to ensure optimal office operations
Most valuable? The most valuable thing that I got out of DC were my connections. I not only was able to connect within my office, but in other offices and departments. I was able to sit in on Agricultural committee sessions and even meet with people who worked in the Department of Agriculture (as the office was right next door to mine). I was able to see that Illini run deep in DC and everyone there wants to help everyone else get to where they want to be. Also, learning about how the government REALLY works is very eye opening.
Future plans? My plans for after graduation hopefully will include me continuing to work for Monsanto in their US Customer Care department, and then hopefully lobbying and working for them in D.C. In addition, i hope to start thinking of law school and looking into the possibility of that.